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/ About /

The predecessor of this center was the Cyber-Physical System Innovation (CPSi). Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is the core of Industry 4.0 technology and the cornerstone of the innovative development about artificial intelligence system applications. The research focus of this center, building upon the foundation of CPS, encompasses robotics, digital twin technology, Human-Machine Integration, precise mechanism and control, AI-based inspection, real-world AI Cyber-Physical databases, high-speed networking, and cyber security.

本中心的前身是網宇實體系統創新中心(Cyber-Physical System Innovation)。網宇實體系統是工業4.0技術的核心,也是人工智慧系統應用創新發展的基石。本中心的研究範疇在原有的網宇及實體系統基礎上,專注於機器人技術(robotics)、數位雙生(digital twin)、人機整合(Human-Machine Integration)、精密機構及控制(precise mechanism and control)、智慧檢測(inspection with AI)、智慧實體資料庫(real-world AI Cyber-Physical database)、高速網路(high-speed network)以及資安(cyber security)。

Expanding on the existing CPSi, we have introduced Professor Wen-Yuh Jywe’s machine tool system platform and OT sensing technology from National Taiwan University. This integration is complemented by our university’s existing research capabilities in Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), as well as the construction of digital twins and virtual inspection tools within the industry. Additionally, we have incorporated research into Cyber Security and Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction into the center’s scope. Given the inclusion of President Jia-Yush Yen from the National University of Science and Technology and Professor Wen-Yuh Jywe from the National Taiwan University, both of whom are experts in precise mechanism control and intelligent manufacturing, this center has been renamed the Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation Center.

在現有網宇實體創新中心的基礎上,我們引入了臺大覺文郁教授的工具機系統平台和OT感測技術,並結合本校現有的擴增實境(AR)/虛擬實境(VR)的研發實力,以及業界軟體/平台的數位分身和虛擬檢測的建構研究。同時,我們也將資訊安全和節能減碳納入本中心的研究範疇。由於本中心納入了臺科大的顏家鈺校長和臺大的覺文郁教授的團隊,這兩位教授在精密機構控制和智慧製造方面具有先進的專業知識,因此本中心更名為智慧製造創新中心(Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation Center)。

/ Important Research Topics of this Center /

Focus on innovative research in Cyber-Physical Systems involving robotics, digital twins, human-machine integration, precise mechanism, and control.


Establish a showcase platform for intelligent manufacturing systems in machine tools and OT sensing technology.

建構工具機智慧製造系統及 OT 感測技術展示平台

Collaborate with the existing AR/VR research capabilities at our institution and industry software/platforms to develop digital twins and virtual inspection solutions.

結合本校現有 AR/VR 的研發能量及業界的軟體/平台的數位分身及虛擬檢測的建構研究

Enhance and apply artificial intelligence and machine learning in innovative research in smart manufacturing, including the construction of intelligent physical databases and their data availability assessments.


Implement Ethernet/high-speed network/WI-FI Internet of Things modules for the application of smart devices and the construction of digital identities for devices, while also conducting research in cybersecurity.

導入Ethernet/高速網路/WI-FI 物聯網模組應用智慧設備及設備數位身分的建構及其資安研究

The achievements in the establishment of
the Cyber-Physical System Innovation’s infrastructure



The development roadmap for
the Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation Center


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