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Gravity compensation of robotic manipulators for heavy-payload applications


Collaboration Details 合作內容概述

Gravity compensation using mechanical springs allows eliminating the gravitational effect on robotic manipulators, thereby reducing the actuation energy and improving accuracy, safety, and robot performance. In this research, a novel gravity compensation design, called the “gear-spring module (GSM)”, is proposed and installed on serial robotic manipulators for gravity compensation. The proposed GSM-based design is characterized by structure compactness, less assemblage effort, ease of modularization, and high performance of gravity compensation.





Principal Investigators

  1. Professor Po Ting Lin in Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taiwan

  2. Professor Nguyen Vu Linh (Vietnam)

Contact 聯絡資訊

Publication 期刊論文發表

  • Vu Linh Nguyen*, Chin-Hsing Kuo, Po Ting Lin (2022.8.24-27) A Systematic Evaluation of Gear-Spring Mechanism for Gravity Compensation of Serial Robots, 2022 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ARIS 2022), Paper Number 1062, Taipei, Taiwan

  • Vu Linh Nguyen*, Chin-Hsing Kuo, Po Ting Lin (2021.12.15-18) A New Class of Spring Four-Bar Mechanisms for Gravity Compensation, 2022 IFToMM Asian Conference on Mechanism and Machine Science, 302-312, Hanoi, Vietnam

  • Vu Linh Nguyen*, Yan Cen Lin, Po Ting Lin, Chin-Hsing Kuo (2021.10.29-30) Configuration Synthesis of Spring Four-Bar Mechanisms for Gravity Compensation, The 24th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Society of Mechanism and Machine Theory (CSMMT 2021) and 1st International Conference on Advanced Mechanism and Machine Theory (ICMMT 2021), Paper Number 60, Hsinchu, Taiwan

  • Vu Linh Nguyen, Chin-Hsing Kuo, Po Ting Lin* (2021.8.17-20) Gravity Balancing Reliability and Sensitivity Analysis of Robotic Manipulators with Uncertainties, ASME 2021 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2021), DETC2021-66762, Online, Virtual

  • Vu Linh Nguyen, Chin-Hsing Kuo, Chyi-Yeu Lin, Po Ting Lin* (2020.11.26-27) Measurement and Uncertainty Assessment of Torque Reduction of A Five-Bar Gear-Spring Mechanism (GSM), The 44th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Paper Number 1284, Ilan, Taiwan

  • Vu Linh Nguyen, Chin-Hsing Kuo, Chyi-Yeu Lin, Po Ting Lin* (2020.11.26-27) Reliability Assessment of Torque Reduction of A Five-Bar Gear-Spring Mechanism (GSM), The 44th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Paper Number 1287, Ilan, Taiwan

  • Vu Linh Nguyen, Chin-Hsing Kuo, Chyi-Yeu Lin, Po Ting Lin* (2020.11.13) Improved Positioning Accuracy of a Delta-based Macro-Mini Manipulator with Passive Compliance, The 23rd National Conference on Mechanism and Machine Design (CSMMT 2020), Paper Number 42, Tainan, Taiwan

  • Zi-Yin Chen, Pei-Ren Liaw, Vu Linh Nguyen, Po Ting Lin* (2020.11.13) Design and Manufacturing of A High-Payload Mecanum-Wheel Ground Vehicle (MWGV), The 23rd National Conference on Mechanism and Machine Design (CSMMT 2020), Paper Number 55, Tainan, Taiwan

  • Vu Linh Nguyen*, Chin-Hsing Kuo, Po Ting Lin (2023.11.4) Performance Analysis of Gravity-Balanced Serial Robotic Manipulators Under Dynamic Loads, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 191, 105519

  • Vu Linh Nguyen*, Chin-Hsing Kuo, Po Ting Lin (2022.6.1) Reliability-Based Analysis and Optimization of the Gravity Balancing Performance of Spring-Articulated Serial Robots with Uncertainties, Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 14(3), 031016

  • Vu Linh Nguyen*, Chin-Hsing Kuo, Po Ting Lin (2022.4.1) Compliance Error Compensation of A Robot End-Effector with Joint Stiffness Uncertainties for Milling: An Analytical Model, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 170, 104717

  • Zi-Yin Chen, Pei-Ren Liaw, Vu Linh Nguyen, Po Ting Lin* (2021.6.30) Design of A High-Payload Mecanum-Wheel Ground Vehicle (MWGV), Robotic Systems and Applications, 1(1), 24-34

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